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CO2 emissions and Carbon Credits: Can they be of any value?

Many people think climate change is all about warmer temperatures. But this is only the beginning of the story. The Earth is a system where everything is connected, so changes in one area can bring changes in all others. What we actually mean by “climate change” is the long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns throughout the year. This change has significantly disrupted people’s lives and has greatly affected the planet. Human interventions have caused many disasters on the planet, to which the population has started to react, by creating organisms and tanking actions to save the environment. This is where the climate law came up, to make things a bit clearer!

Shall we meet the Climate Law?

The new climate law is a key driver of the changes that need to occur. Its framework not only complements the EU directives, but also demonstrates the need for concern and initiatives to address the climate crisis at every level.

What are the CO2 emissions?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are the main driver -and the actual offender- of global climate change, which is why they must be reduced immediately. Since climate law was introduced, all countries have been trying to find ways towards CO2 emissions reduction and climate change cessation. Every country is trying to find its own ways to reduce the consequences of climate change, which may vary in every place.

Carbon Credits: the catalyst to planet saving?

A carbon credit is a type of permit that represents 1 tone of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere. People or companies can purchase carbon credits, in order to make up for the carbon dioxide emissions they are responsible for – e.g industrial pollution or vehicle gas. Any action that can remove or balance quantities of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere can be translated as carbon credit. Therefore, any agricultural or forestry land that helps reduce the carbon dioxide of our planet is considered a carbon credit.

ProspecTree: giving value to people and the planet

ProspecTree has been planting trees, in order for large companies buy credit and offset their CO2 emissions. Always a step ahead, ProspecTree is a future oriented company that will soon bring real value to environmental change. Every tree we plant matters! Stay tuned to find out how!

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