T4P is for the intelligent service agreement holder who can see ahead. It requires low initial capital – which means no financial costs. Through the payment plan, the service agreement holder receives a sum every six months. As well as two one-off payments – one at ten years equal to the initial service agreement amount and the second at 20 years, equal to 8 times the service agreement capital. The capital is secured as it is linked to a certain number of trees, the return on T4P tokens is in proportion to the linked trees (currently a ratio of 1:1), and there is the possibility to increase the service agreement stake gradually.
Service Agreement Spread
In addition to the multifaceted utilization of the land Paulownias and Eucalyptus are planted on, the company also makes targeted service agreements which can be immediate liquid. A substantial additional piece of profitability comes from the ability of the trees to derive profits from the sale of carbon credits as well.

Nature-backed Token
T4P has a key point of differentiation from the vast majority of other cryptocurrencies circulating in the market: its foundation as a service agreement is not simply the creation of expectations in terms of market response but the actual use of Paulownia and Eucalyptus and in a variety of ways.
Our trees are a natural commodity with a green footprint, which in the future will play an increasingly important role not only in addressing the climate crisis but also in the global financial scene.
The T4P Pillars
The first pillar on which T4P as a service is based is on is the correspondence ratio of the trees with the T4P Token. Depending on the growth rate our selected trees are assigned to each token and inextricably linked to it. The trees will enable us to derive profits from the sale of wood and by-products enabling us to increase the book value of the T4P token.
The second pillar is the fact that the trees provide collateral for your initial payment.
The third pillar is based on the T4P token which is designed to enhance value on trading platforms and serves as an optimal exit strategy.